Rolf Santesson's lichen checklist

Lichens and lichenicolous fungi

The database is continuously updated with new knowledge concerning lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Norway, Sweden, and Finland.


How to search the database

You have come to Santesson's online checklist of Fennoscandian lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi, a continuation of the printed version that last appeared in 2004.

You can search for generic names or specific or subspecific epithets. Search strings can be incomplete but must contain the start of the field content. Consequently, the search string "Chaenothec" will return both Chaenotheca and Chaenothecopsis, whereas the search string "thecopsis" will return an error message. A logical "and" will automatically be used between fields containing search strings. Choose whether you want to search among all names or accepted taxa only (with or without synonymy in both cases). Searches are limited to 500 taxa or names at a time.

A detailed manual to the database is available in this PDF document.

If you have additions to the checklist or if you detect errors or inconsistencies, please contact Anders Nordin.