The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)


Catalogue no.: L-1149983
Taxon: Ameliella andreaeicola Fryday & Coppins
Label: Ameliella andreaeicola
Family: Lichenes
Collector: Måns Svensson
Collector no.: 4110
Date: 2021 08 11
Country: Sweden
Landskap: Jämtland
Socken: Kall
Locality: Skäckerfjällen Nature Reserve, 7.5 km W of Kolåsen, the SE slope of Mt. Storfjället
Habitat: On Andreaea sp. on schistose rock on the ground
Remarks: Voucher for DNA-extraction: C487 (Måns Svensson)
Coordinates: latDD 63.74160; longDD 12.81686