The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)


Catalogue no.: L-1151741
Taxon: Rinodina
Label: Rinodina
Family: Lichenes
Collector: Måns Svensson
Collector no.: 3226
Date: 2017 07 28
Country: Sweden
Landskap: Jämtland
Socken: Frostviken
Locality: 1.3 km SE-SSE of the top of Mt Brattlidfjället, just N of the gravel road W of the main road between Vallnäs and Sör-Blåsjön
Habitat: On bark of Sorbus aucuparia in semi-open deciduous forest
Remarks: Voucher for DNA-extraction: C1005 (Måns Svensson)
Coordinates: latDD 64.77870; longDD 14.04488