The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)


Catalogue no.: L-1151852
Taxon: Chaenotheca gracillima
Label: Chaenotheca gracillima
Family: Lichenes
Collector: Per-Olof Martinsson
Date: 1990 08 03
Country: Sweden
Landskap: Lule lappmark
Socken: Jokkmokk
Locality: c. 27 km NNW of Vuollerim village and c. 1.2 km SE Miessaure farm, 100-300 m from the river Stora Luleälven. SW of the road between Vuollerim and Messaure
Habitat: On spruce in old productive Picea abies forest, along a small stream
Coordinates: latDD 66º38'N; longDD 20º23'E