The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)


Catalogue no.: V-031820
Taxon: Galiniera saxifraga (Hochst.) Bridson
Label: Galiniera coffeoides Delile
Family: Rubiaceae
Collector: David Roos
Collector no.: 609
Date: 1982 09 27
Country: Ethiopia
Province: YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch
Locality: Gamo Gofa: Gidole, towards Buso
Habitat: Olea, Schefflera forest mixed with Allophyllus, Rapanea etc
Attributes: Tree about 4 m tall. Bark grey, slash pale brown. Fruit red berry, 1 cm in diameter
Coordinates: latDD 5.58333; longDD 37.5