The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)

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All None Catalogue no. Taxon Collector Year Country
V-1150461 Carex rupestris All. 1859 Norway
V-1150462 Carex rupestris All. C.A.E. Lénström 1875 Norway
V-1150463 Carex rupestris All. A. Notø 1900 Norway
V-1150464 Carex rupestris All. J.E. Zetterstedt 1868 Norway
V-1150465 Carex rupestris All. J.E. Zetterstedt 1868 Norway
V-1150466 Carex rupestris All. H.W. Arnell 1870 Norway
V-1150467 Carex rupestris All. Krister Bökman 1926 Norway
V-1150468 Carex rupestris All. Schlegel & Arnell 1869 Norway
V-1150469 Carex rupestris All. E.A. Selberg 1860 Norway
V-1150470 Carex rupestris All. N.G.W. Lagerstedt 1867 Norway
V-1150471 Carex rupestris All. Ólafur Davidsson 1899 Iceland
V-1150472 Carex rupestris All. R. Gyllencreutz 1883 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150473 Carex rupestris All. Einar Wirén 1921 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150474 Carex rupestris All. Erik Asplund 1915 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150475 Carex rupestris All. Erik Asplund 1915 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150476 Carex rupestris All. John Lagerkranz 1932 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150477 Carex rupestris All. Erik Asplud 1915 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150478 Carex rupestris All. Erik Asplud 1913 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150479 Carex rupestris All. Thorild Wulff 1899 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150480 Carex rupestris All. Sigfrid Arnell & Olle Mårtensson 1956 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150481 Carex rupestris All. A.J. Malmgren 1868 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150482 Carex rupestris All. Thorild Wulff 1899 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150483 Carex rupestris All. Thorild Wulff 1899 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
V-1150484 Carex rupestris All. J.A. Björling 1890 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
F-1150485 Cortinarius balaustinus Fr. Patrick Fritzson 2021 Sweden