The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)

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All None Catalogue no. Taxon Collector Year Country
V-1150695 Carex salina Wahlenb. C. Sommerfelt j:r 1858 Norway
V-1150696 Carex salina Wahlenb. S. Henschen 1864 Norway
V-1150697 Carex salina Wahlenb. E.C.J. cederstråhle 1856 Norway
V-1150698 Carex salina Wahlenb. E.C.J. cederstråhle 1856 Norway
V-1150699 Carex salina Wahlenb. 1817 Norway
V-1150700 Carex salina Wahlenb. Wahlenberg Norway
V-1150701 Carex salina Wahlenb. Wahlenberg Norway
V-1150702 Carex salina Wahlenb. N. Lund 1842 Norway
V-1150703 Carex salina Wahlenb. C. Sommerfelt 1859 Norway
V-1150704 Carex salina Wahlenb. Blytt Norway
V-1150705 Carex salina Wahlenb. Th.M. Fries & Salomon Henschen 1864 Norway
V-1150706 Carex salina Wahlenb. Th.M. Fries 1857 Norway
V-1150707 Carex salina Wahlenb. Th.M. Fries 1857 Norway
V-1150708 Carex x halophila F.Nyl. Th.M. Fries 1864 Norway
V-1150709 Carex x halophila F.Nyl. Th.M. Fries 1864 Norway
V-1150710 Carex salina var. salina E.V. Ekstrand 1880 Norway
V-1150711 Carex salina Wahlenb. P. Wahlenberg Norway
V-1150712 Carex x halophila F.Nyl. Schlegel Norway
V-1150713 Carex x halophila F.Nyl. Th.M. Fries & Salomon Henschen 1864 Norway
V-1150714 Carex salina Wahlenb. Salomon Henschen 1864 Norway
V-1150715 Carex subspathacea Wormsk. ex Hornem. K.P. Hägerström 1880 Norway
V-1150716 Carex subspathacea Wormsk. ex Hornem. Th.M. Fries 1864 Norway
V-1150717 Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. x salina Wahlenb. Th.M. Fries 1864 Norway
V-1150718 Carex salina Wahlenb. Th.M. Fries 1864 Norway
V-1150719 Carex salina Wahlenb. C. Sommerfelt 1858 Norway