The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)

Search result

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All None Catalogue no. Taxon Collector Year Country
L-000054 Lecidea fuscoatra (L.) Ach. Germany
L-000055 Lecidea fuscoatra (L.) Ach. Switzerland
L-000057 Lecidea fumosa b. mosigii Ach. Sweden
L-000058 Lecidea fumosa b. mosigii Ach. Sweden
L-000059 Lecidea fumosa c. testudinea
L-000060 Lecidea fumosa c. testudinea Switzerland
L-000061 Lecidea pantosticta Switzerland
L-000062 Lecidea pantosticta
F-000001 Bulbillomyces farinosus (Bres.) Jülich Elias Fries Sweden
F-000002 Hypoderma hederae (T.Nees ex Mart.: Fr.) De Not. Elias Fries Sweden
F-000003 Agaricus acris Klotzsch
F-000004 Agaricus achimenes Berk. & M.A. Curtis Ravenel United States
F-000005 Pholiota aurivellus (Batsch: Fr.) P. Kumm. G. Wahlenberg 1819 Sweden
F-000006 Agaricus actinorachis Berk. & Broome Sri Lanka
V-000108 Corispermum squarrosum L.
V-000109 Callitriche hermaphroditica Kütz. ex W.D.J.Koch C.P. Thunberg Sweden
V-000110 Callitriche hermaphroditica Kütz. ex W.D.J.Koch
V-000111 Callitriche intermedia Sweden
V-000112 Callitriche tenella L.f. New Zealand
V-000113 Callitriche vernalis C.P. Thunberg
V-000114 Callitriche vernalis
V-000115 Callitriche vernalis C.P. Thunberg Sweden
V-000116 Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Ambrosi
V-000117 Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Ambrosi C.P. Thunberg
V-000118 Chenopodium foliosum Asch.