The Museum of Evolution Herbarium (UPS)

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All None Catalogue no. Taxon Collector Year Country
V-000348 Justicia acicularis Sw. Swartz Jamaica
V-000349 Justicia adhatoda L. C.P. Thunberg
V-000350 Justicia assurgens L. Swartz Jamaica
V-000351 Justicia aggregata C.P. Thunberg Indonesia
V-000352 Justicia armata Sw. Swartz Jamaica
V-000353 Justicia betonica L. C.P. Thunberg Indonesia
V-000354 Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh. Wiborg
V-000355 Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh. C.P. Thunberg
V-000356 Justicia bifida C.P. Thunberg Sri Lanka
V-000357 Odontonema bracteolatum (Jacq.) Kuntze
V-000358 Justicia caerulea Forssk. Forster
V-000359 Justicia caerulea Forssk. Forster Australia
V-000360 Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. Afzelius Sierra Leone
V-000361 Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. Afzelius
V-000362 Justicia capensis Thunb. C.P. Thunberg South Africa
V-000363 Justicia capensis Thunb. C.P. Thunberg South Africa
V-000364 Dicliptera chinensis (L.) Juss. C.P. Thunberg Indonesia
V-000365 Dicliptera chinensis (L.) Juss. Afzelius
V-000366 Justicia ciliata Jacq. C.P. Thunberg Sri Lanka
V-000367 Justicia comata (L.) Jacq. Swartz Jamaica
V-000368 Justicia comata (L.) Jacq. Swartz Jamaica
V-000369 Justicia conglutinata Richard French Guiana
V-000370 Peristrophe japonica (Thunb.) Bremek. C.P. Thunberg Japan
V-000371 Justicia cristata Jacq. C.P. Thunberg
V-000372 Justicia caracasana Jacq. Forsström